Newsletter and Coming Events – June 2024

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Coming Events

Friday  June 14, 21, 28 4-7 PM Witnessing in San Francisco neighborhoods.

Saturday June 15, 22, 29  12 – 4 PM Witnessing at Fisherman’s Wharf (SF) Powell & Jefferson St.

July 10 – 13 SOS – SAN FRANCISCO YEAR 45

Visiting musician sings at Fisherman’s Wharf.


Dear Christian friends,

Most of what we know about New Testament preaching comes from excerpts and descriptions of the preaching of Peter, Stephen and Paul in Acts. Over the next few months, I would like to discuss these scriptures, and see what we can learn from them about effective gospel preaching.

The first recorded sermon in Acts was given by Peter on Pentecost in Acts 2: 14-40. Thousands of Jews from all over the known world were there. They heard a strange sound at the place where the believers were gathered, and heard these believers from Galilee speaking in their own tongue.

Peter, who recently had denied Jesus three times, stood up and boldly proclaimed the gospel. He went through several Old Testament prophesies, starting with Joel’s prophesy of how God would pour out his Spirit in the last days. He proclaimed that Jesus is the Messiah, and that God confirmed this through various miracles he performed. He said that they had nailed him to the cross and murdered him, but that God raised him from the dead. He quoted David from Psalm 16, pointing to the resurrection, and Psalm 110. This was his conclusion: “God has made this Jesus whom you crucified to be both Lord and Messiah.”

Many were under great conviction and asked the apostles, “Brothers, what should we do?” Peter replied, “Each of you must turn from your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost…” About 3000 were baptized that day. The believers met together constantly and shared everything they had. They sold their possessions and gave to those in need.

So what can we learn from this first sermon? The crowd gathered in response to a supernatural phenomenon – the wind and tongues. Genuine healings and miracles demonstrate the power of Christ and get the attention of unbelievers. However, we must preach the gospel at all times, not just when there are miracles or healings.

Much of the audience on Pentecost had been part of the crowd that had called for Jesus to be crucified two months earlier. Peter bluntly accused them of murdering God’s Messiah. Great conviction fell upon the crowd and 3000 were radically saved that day. In our preaching, we can help people realize that they have violated God’s law and deserve punishment for their sins, but that they can be forgiven by repenting of their sins and trusting in Jesus.

Peter was addressing Jews, and most of his sermon was based upon Old Testament scriptures. Often in New Testament preaching, the argument was made that Jesus is the Messiah in fulfillment of Old Testament prophesies.

In my preaching I often refer to the Old Testament prophesies that point to the coming of Messiah, and how Jesus fulfilled them. However, I try to provide some background explanation to help people understand these prophesies. I point out that the Bible is the only book that predicts the future with perfect accuracy, and contrast it with man’s inability to predict the weather or stock market even one day in the future.

On the Streets

On Friday January 5, we witnessed at 24th St. and Mission. Alex witnessed to Brandon, who told him he believed in God. He was clearly drunk. Alex said it was good to believe in God but that the Bible says that no drunkard will inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corin. 6). He said we need to repent of our sins and put our faith in Jesus Christ to save us. He gave him a Bible. Alex also witnessed to Michael. He gave him some food and shared the gospel with him. He gave Michael his phone number and prayed for him.

The next day we witnessed at Powell and O’Farrell. This is our rain location, because there is an awning that covers the entire sidewalk. Before the rain started, we were confronted by two security guards who called the police. Soon, five police officers spoke with us. They said that the owner did not want anyone on that corner. Andy and Mike spoke with the police for about an hour, explaining that this was a public sidewalk and the store was vacant. Eventually we agreed to move one foot from the store, and were allowed to continue. It did rain quite hard that afternoon so we needed the awning.

Alex witnessed to Jay, who showed him his “Shamanism Bible”. He said he didn’t mind being possessed by spirits because they impart spiritual knowledge to him. Alex warned him that these are deceiving spirits and very dangerous. Mike witnessed to Jeremiah, who was raised in a Christian home but was not saved. Mike shared the gospel with him and gave him a Bible. Andy witnessed to Richard, who asked him “when is Jesus coming back?” Andy said nobody knows the hour so we need to be prepared to meet God. Richard asked, “Is he going to kill all His enemies?” Andy shared 2 Thess. 1:7-9 “when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord.” After that Richard was quiet. He shook hands with Andy and walked away.

On Friday Jan. 26, we witnessed at Powell and Market. Alex spoke with James, who was in a wheelchair. He bought him some food, shared the gospel with him, and prayed with him.  Mike witnessed to Bob, 55. He grew up in Marin City and he and Mike attended the same high school, Mount Tamalpais, about two years apart and both were on the baseball team. They knew some of the same people. Mike shared his testimony with him and the gospel, Bob said he was saved by doing good works. He was a meth addict. He took a Bible and said he would read it. Andy spoke with Tyree, 75. He said he had lost most of his family to the Jim Jones cult in the Jonestown Massacre of 1978. He claimed to be a Christian but seemed to be drunk as he was constantly interrupting my preaching.

The next day, we witnessed at Fisherman’s Wharf. Tats witnessed to Kayonn who said he has problems with his daughter and other family members. He had a Christian background. Tats reminded him that Jesus was also treated cruelly, but chose to forgive. Alex ministered to Sean for about 2 hours. Sean said he was a Christian and even preached the gospel in churches and possibly other places. He said that God does not judge people but simply allows people to experience the negative consequences of their behavior. He does not believe in an eternal Hell. Alex quoted him a number of scriptures that contradict his views. Alex said, if you disagree with the Bible, you need to change your thinking. Sean was friendly and said he would look into the scriptures he gave him. He said, “I wouldn’t be surprised if I came back in a few weeks and agreed with you.” Mike ministered to Danny, whom we have seen many times. He had been a street preacher but got caught up in sexual sin and went to prison. During that time, he started praying to Satan to protect him. Since then, he has been heckling Christians and usually screams at us when he sees us. This time, he was quite polite. He said he was hungry so Mike bought him some food and they had a good conversation.

On Friday Feb. 2, we witnessed at Powell and Market. Andy and John witnessed to eight drug dealers in their 20’s. We have been witnessing to them for years, but they started a good conversation with them. One of the men said he was raised in a Christian home. The leader of the group did not want them hearing about Jesus so he told them to walk away. Mike witnessed to Robert, whom he had worked with in the past on an ambulance. He hadn’t seen him for a long time. Robert said he had been in the hospital with Covid for many months and said  “if  it weren’t for God, I wouldn’t be here.” He did not appear to be saved, and Mike shared the gospel with him.

A Final Word

Thank you for your prayers and financial support for this ministry.  With your help, we were able to purchase a newer van for our ministry.    Our  old  van lasted 20 years, but now has mechanical issues affecting its safety that would cost thousands of dollars to repair. We purchased a 15 passenger 2007 Ford Econoline with 100,000 miles for $11,500 (including tax). We had it checked by a mechanic and it is in excellent condition. We use it to carry our workers and sound system to our San Francisco outreaches.

We are finding it increasingly hard to find churches that are willing to do an outreach with us on Saturday at Fisherman’s Wharf. If you live in the SF area, please consider talking with  your pastor or worship leader about joining us some time.  We bring the gospel to thousands of people at Fisherman’s Wharf each week.

I hope many of you will join us for an outreach this next month or witness in your own community.    

Yours in His love,

Larry Rosenbaum




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