Attitudes to Observe During Gospel Conversations
By Scott Crawford
One of the methods of witnessing which I highly recommend is the question and answer method. It incorporates what I call the “Treasury Agent System” to discover what a person really believes. You see, a treasury agent does not study every counterfeit piece of paper money to find all the ways counterfeiters may make mistakes. He studies the real thing, and knows it so well that when he inspects a counterfeit he instantly sees something is wrong.
He will examine it closer to find exactly what is wrong. In the same way we should spend time with God and study His Word so we will be able to perceive when someone does not know Jesus. Then by question and answer we can pinpoint exactly what is holding them back. Consequently, it is unnecessary to study all of the cults and to know where each of them errs. We simply ask them to explain their beliefs, and as they do, we will recognize which points don’t line up with the Gospel.
It is good to do this even if you think you know what a person believes. Many people who are in a cult do not believe the same things as every other cult member. Some may be less deceived than others. This method will allow you to take advantage of the past work of the Holy Spirit in a person’s life. Some believe a part of the Gospel already and therefore you can concentrate your efforts on helping them see all the Good News.
The question and answer method is also good for any conversation in which you are engaged. I find that most people make up their own belief system with a combination of what they like from different religions. By questioning them in a non-confrontational way, in a discovery method, you can show them how their beliefs differ from God’s precepts. And, at the very least, you will give them much about which to think and pray. Additionally, whatever you share with them about the Holy Bible will remain lodged in their minds forever. Several scriptures support this, including Hebrews 4:12-13, which says, “The Word of God is living and active.” Once you speak God’s truth to people, it will keep living and penetrating their thoughts.
There are four major attitudes to look for when talking to people about Christ: 1.] Honesty and openness; 2.] Desire to Know God; 3.] Simplicity; and, 4.] Humility. HONESTY AND OPENNESS Jesus dealt with people according to their willingness to be honest. He already knew everything about them, but he was waiting for them to be honest so they could receive His help. Examples are found throughout the Gospels. In John Chapter Three, Nicodemus asked: “How can a man be born when he is old?” In John Chapter Four, the Samaritan woman, after being told of her sins, said: “That’s right, you must be a prophet.” In the Book of Acts, when the Ethiopian eunuch was asked if he understood what he was reading, he answered: “How can I unless someone guides me?” They were all open, with no blinders on, so Jesus proceeded to talk with them. Others, like the rich young ruler and the Pharisees, were not honest or open, so Jesus gave them a short answer and went on his way.
If you can’t get people to be honest with you in a few minutes, then don’t devote a lot of time to them. DESIRE TO KNOW GOD In the Gospel accounts mentioned above, each person was either seeking approval or showed a desire to know more. The best thing you can do to help a person at this stage is to tell them your testimony and your personal relationship with Jesus. This often creates a deeper desire in people to want to experience Christ. SIMPLICITY Christ came to set us free from both complexity and pretense. The world of today holds sophisticated people in high esteem, mainly because of their showing worldly experience and taste in matters of culture or fashion. But the scripture says, “ … for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God.” [Luke 16:15] We need to remember that many people actually don’t think that experiencing Christ can really be as easy and simple as it is. Relating your testimony, the testimony of others, and Biblical testimonies can often times make the difference in helping them believe. HUMILITY The Holy Bible teaches us: “Humble yourself, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you.” [1 Peter 5:6-7]
Timing is the thing to remember at this point. Some people are more ready to receive the Lord than others. They have carried a lot of baggage through life; they have dealt with many emotional and psychological issues and are ready to be delivered NOW! Also, the Spirit works with people in different ways throughout their lifetime. He will give you discernment if you listen. “And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever.” [Daniel 12:3] When a person exhibits humility – their willingness to admit their need and ask Jesus to help them – they are ready. Ask them to pray with you, and lead them in a prayer of salvation.
CONCLUSION Watching for these four attitudes can greatly enhance your ability to lead people to Christ. Depend on the Holy Spirit to help you and you will experience many soul winning adventures!