SOS Monthly Newsletter - January 2006

Welcome To Heaven

Dear Christian friends,

Many of our Lord's teachings were about giving. One of His most difficult parables, found in Luke 16, is known as the "Parable of the Unjust Steward." This parable is sandwiched between two other stories about waste and riches: "the prodigal [wasteful] son" and "the rich man and Lazarus." The steward was accused of wasting his master's wealth and would soon be unemployed. He couldn't dig and didn't want to beg, so he decided to go to each of his lord's debtors and reduce their debt. They would be so grateful to him that they would gladly take care of him when he was unemployed.

His lord commended him for his wisdom, "for the children of the world are in their generation wiser than the children of light." Jesus added, "make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness that, when you fail [or it fails], they may receive you into everlasting habitations....If therefore you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? .... You cannot serve God and mammon."

The "unjust steward" was wise in that, knowing his job would soon end, he planned for the future. Many of the "children of the world" save a lot of money for their retirement, which is the only "afterlife" they believe in. But the "children of light" often store up very few treasures in Heaven. We are to be "wise as serpents." The people of this world act in their own best interest to prepare for their future (at least on this earth). But we Christians often fail to act in our own best interest by preparing for our eternal future.

Jesus said that we should use the "mammon of unrighteousness" [money or wealth] to make friends so that, when we die [or the money runs out], they [our friends] will welcome us into everlasting habitations [Heaven]. The New Testament does not teach that "10% of our money belongs to God and the rest belongs to us to use for selfish purposes." It teaches we are a steward of all that we have. We should use as much as possible for things that matter in eternity.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told us to lay up treasures in Heaven. Here, He tells us to use our money to make friends who will welcome us into Heaven. How do we do this? We can use our wealth to support full﷓time evangelists. We can go on mission trips. We can purchase gospel tracts. We can give away food and clothing to the poor, and share the gospel with them. We can reduce our work hours so we will have more time to preach the gospel. We can cut our expenses and use the extra money to further the gospel. In this parable, Jesus teaches us that those who are won to Christ through our giving will welcome us into Heaven. Those Christians we help in time of need will also welcome us into Heaven.

We all know about earthly treasures and the pleasure they sometimes give us. But what good are heavenly treasures? We have no personal experience to guide us, so we must trust Jesus. He says storing up treasures in Heaven will benefit us eternally.

Jesus taught that there will be degrees of punishment in Hell (Luke 12:47﷓48). The concept of "heavenly treasures" suggests that there are also degrees of joy in Heaven. Having many people in Heaven who are grateful to us for the help we gave them on earth will somehow increase our eternal joy. These heavenly treasures are infinitely more to be desired than earthly treasures because they produce eternal joy, not temporary pleasure.

Daniel wrote "they that turn many to righteousness [shall shine] as the stars forever and ever" (Dan. 12:3). Peter wrote about an entrance being "ministered unto you abundantly" into Heaven (2 Peter 1:11). Many Christians will enter into Heaven with few or no rewards. Some will enter abundantly, with many eternal rewards.

Finally, Paul wrote that "those who preach the gospel should live of the gospel" [receive financial support] (1 Corin. 9). Then he [and I] must add: "I [haven't] written these things, that it should be so done unto me." There are ministries and churches that misuse God's money and do not deserve our support. But there are also many excellent ministries that re doing much to spread the gospel.

God has made us stewards over the wealth He has entrusted us with. We need to be prayerful and wise in our giving. "If therefore you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?"


On Fri. November 4 we witnessed on Castro St. This is the heart of the radical homosexual community in San Francisco. We don’t bring amplifiers or signs into this neighborhood, because of the hostile reactions they generate. We did give out a lot of gospel tracts. Before long, people on the street realized that we were Christians. We overheard people talking with each other about us and about Jesus. Several people stopped to talk with us. I spoke with a young Buddhist from Thailand. Another man said he used to be a Satanic high priest. He was quite confused but liked to read the book of Revelation. I gave him a New Testament. Eric preached bare-throat to a large crowd waiting in line at the Castro Theater, which was hosting a Latino Film Festival.

On Sat. November 12, the youth ministry from Los Gatos Christian Center (“Sword Ministry”) witnessed with us in Berkeley. They brought a worship group and did some street drama. On Fri. December 2, we witnessed at Union Square. The street was filled with hundreds of Christmas shoppers. Tom and Carol sang Christmas carols and worship songs. Tim, a young man from Chicago, stopped to listen to my preaching. He said he was looking for some error in my preaching, but said he couldn’t find any. Tim has a good knowledge of the Bible, with several Christian relatives, but has never received Christ. Several of us witnessed to him that night.

On Sat. December 3, Tim Moon and Phil Taylor from the band “Blue Dog” ministered with us at Fisherman’s Wharf. It was a warm, sunny day and thousands of people were on the streets. Eric witnessed to John, a Muslim from China. John doesn’t speak much English, but May was able to witness to him in Chinese. John was quite receptive to the gospel message.

Ron (center) prays with Victor and David at Fisherman's Wharf.
Los Gatos Christian youth witness in Berkeley
Halloween Outreach at Powell and Market St.
Larry witnesses to Tim at Union Square
Sonhouse ministers at UN Plaza.
Tim and Phil minister at Fisherman’s Wharf
May and Eric witness to John, a Muslim from China, at Wharf

SOS-San Francisco June 23-July 1, 2006

We have set the dates for next summer’s SOS-San Francisco outreach—June 23-July 1. Once again we are blessed to be able to meet at Temple Baptist Church. This is our 27th annual outreach to the people of San Francisco. Please plan to join us for this important outreach. Jesus said, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Pray therefore to the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest.” Matt. 9:27-28.

Coming Events

Note: Outreaches are subject to change. Call (510) 531-5325 or 541-9903 (cell phone) to confirm outreaches or for more information.

Friday January 6, 20, 27 7:30-10 PM Witnessing in San Francisco neighborhoods. (Call for location).

Saturday January 7, 21, 28 11:30-5 PM San Francisco or Berkeley Outreach. (Location depends on weather. Call Sat. morning 9-10 AM to confirm location.)

Ministry News and Needs

Once again we want to thank you for your prayers and support for this ministry. Every winter, we struggle with the problem of how to minister in the rain. On Saturday morning at 9 AM, after looking at the weather forecast, we will decide our witnessing location. Please pray that God will protect our workers and equipment on rainy days.

We still need a musician to minister at our Friday night outreaches. Also, we still have openings for two Christians to live in our ministry house. This house is not for new believers but for those who are ready for evangelism ministry. We are looking for soldiers who will endure hardship and persist in God's calling to evangelize the San Francisco Bay Area.

Our Tape of the Month is The New Age Movement. This teaching was given at SOS-San Francisco by Tal Brooke and Brooks Alexander of the Spiritual Counterfeits Project.

Yours in His love,


Larry Rosenbaum


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