SOS Monthly Newsletter - August 2006SOS-San Francisco Outreach Report Dear Christian friends, For the 27th year, God brought Christians from all over the world to preach the Gospel to the people of San Francisco and Berkeley. One woman, Bethany Elie, came all the way from Afghanistan! She has spent the past two years teaching school there and witnessing to anyone she can. She is planning to move into our house for one year, and we are really blessed to have her. She found us on the internet. A team of about 13 high school students came here from the Assembly of God church in Payson, UT. They were here for the first half of the outreach. They had learned some great skits. A lot of people were drawn by the skits and we prayed with several of them. Another team of 10 came from The Well in Buellton, CA for the last few days of the outreach. The team included their pastor and six other staff members. They had a great worship group that ministered in English and Spanish. About 40 other Christians participated in the outreach throughout the week. We were blessed to have singer Chuck Girard ministering with us all week and his daughter Alisa from the popular band ZOEgirl ministering with us on Monday and Tuesday (at Fisherman’s Wharf and Berkeley). Like her father, Alisa has a real desire to reach the lost and enjoyed singing on the street. We were also blessed to have Paul and Noreen Coca, Tim Moon, Mark Whitehead and Bruce and Teresa Muller play music with us this week. We especially thank Dolores Park Church for providing a wonderful facility for this year’s outreach and being really helpful to us. On Saturday June 24, we were able to conduct a two hour outreach at Powell and Market for the first time in six years. The Utah drama group drew a very large crowd. Afterwards, Anthony from Utah approached one young man who was crying. He prayed with him to receive Christ. He also witnessed to another young man, John, who said he had attended church all his life but had never heard the salvation message. Bethany prayed with four boys, about age 14, to receive Christ. And Pastor Mark Whitehead prayed with three others who said they wanted to be saved. After the outreach, we marched through Chinatown. May preached in Chinese and we gave out about 1000 Chinese tracts. The band Bluedog played at Washington Square. Anthony witnessed to Robert, a homeless man who cried when he saw their skit. After praying a sinner’s prayer, Robert pulled out a knife, and asked Anthony to get rid of it. That night, Brad met Donna, a homeless woman. He bought her dinner, witnessed to her, and led her in a sinner’s prayer. On Monday afternoon, we ministered at Fisherman’s Wharf. Jake, a guitar player, stopped to listen to Alisa’s singing. Afterwards, Paul Coca prayed with him. Loretta witnessed to nine people, three of whom were quite receptive to the gospel. One was an American man who lives half the year in Thailand. The other two were Irish Catholic girls. Loretta got their emails so she can follow up on them. That night, we witnessed at Powell and Market. Robert from Utah prayed with Tai from Vietnam to receive Christ. On Tuesday afternoon, we witnessed in Berkeley. Loretta approached a man who was doing Tarot readings. He said he had been doing them for 38 years. She was able to witness to him for 20 minutes. She also witnessed to a young man who was trying to get signatures for an environmental petition. He was Catholic, and thought he could be saved by good works. Tuesday night, we witnessed at 16th St. and Mission. Karol, who speaks fluent Spanish, led three Mexicans to Christ. Craig witnessed to Vincent, who has pancreatic cancer and was given only six months to live. After they prayed, he started shaking uncontrollably for 15 minutes. Afterwards, he started singing songs with the group. He was amazed that he seemed to know the words of songs he had never heard before. On Wednesday afternoon, we were at Haight St. and Masonic. Mark Zulim took the afternoon off work to attend the outreach. He usually can witness with us only one day during SOS. Immediately after he arrived, he saw a man whom he recognized. He said, “I remember you.” The man did not recognize him. He said, “Your name is Peter. I remember speaking with you on Haight St. five years ago. We went for coffee. I also spoke with you on Market St. that same year.” Peter, who does not live on Haight St., was amazed that Mark remembered him. Mark also prayed with Patrick, from Ireland, to receive Christ that afternoon. He also ministered to Raul, from Mexico, who was struggling in his Christian life. Also, Paul Coca witnessed to Trevor, who was trying to get free from heroin. On Wednesday night, we witnessed at the Giants baseball game at AT&T Park. Loretta witnessed to Joaquin, who was checking bags at the gate. He eagerly listened to her for about 15 minutes. She spoke with at least two dozen people that night and thinks at least six came to Christ. On Thursday, we held a marathon outreach at Fisherman’s Wharf. We set up our PA system and started at about 11 AM and stayed until 9 PM! We tried this last year, but were shut down about 7 PM. Chuck Girard spoke with Seraphin, a station agent for the MUNI bus line. He said he had received Christ but did not know if he was going to heaven. Gary and Josiah witnessed to Jason, a homeless man they had met the night before when he was buying cocaine. I spoke with Carl, who said he wanted to get off drugs and into a Christian program. I referred him to Teen Challenge. Bethany witnessed to Mohammed, an educated businessman from Bangladesh, who was disillusioned about religion. She also witnessed to two girls, age 10-11, whose mother reads palms across the street from our outreach. One of them told her, “In our house there are demons.” When she asked if they would like to receive Christ, they said, “Not today. Maybe some day.” On Friday, we were at 24th St. and Mission. Almost half of the people in this area speak only Spanish, so we preached and played music in Spanish as well as English. We prayed with many people that afternoon. Mark Whitehead prayed with Fabian, after reading the “7 Important Questions” tract to him. I spoke with Kerry, a construction worker from Concord. He claims to have received Christ, but is addicted to heroin, and comes to San Francisco to buy it. On Sat. July 1, the worship group from New Hope Christian Fellowship in Sacramento ministered at UN Plaza. They brought a team from a Russian church in Sacramento. A lot of homeless people and drug addicts congregate in this park. We prayed with many people that afternoon. Often we are unable to follow-up on those we pray with. Many are homeless. So it was really encouraging to meet Serina at the beginning of that day’s outreach. Last summer, she saw one of our tracts on the ground and read it. On September 24, she was suffering from a reaction to some crystal meth she had taken. She was very sick, so she took a bus to the hospital. She looked out the window and saw our banners. God spoke to her that she would be healed if she got out of the bus and came to our outreach. One of the women at our outreach prayed for her and she was healed. Two months later, she committed her life to Christ. Since that time, she has been free from drugs and attends a local church. She has a 10 day old daughter, Victorious, and lives in a family shelter. She loves to witness for Jesus. Thirty minutes before our outreach ended, Mary Lawhead finally arrived. She had been trying to get to the outreach all week. I told her about Serina’s testimony, and she said that she was the one who had prayed for her! They had a great reunion. Please pray for all those we ministered to during SOS week. We believe many, like Serina, will become true converts of our Lord. I hope many of you will plan to join one of our outreaches this next year.
Coming EventsNote: Outreaches are subject to change. Call (510) 531-5325 or 541-9903 (cell phone) to confirm outreaches or for more information. Friday July 14, 7:30 - 10 PM Witnessing in San Francisco neighborhoods. (Call for location). Sat. July 15 12 - 5 PM San Francisco Outreach. (Call for location) Friday August 4, 11, 18 7:30 - 10 PM Witnessing in San Francisco neighborhoods. (Call for location). Sat. August 5, 19 11:30 - 5 PM San Francisco Outreach. Jefferson St. near Mason. Sat. August 12 12:30 - 4:30 PM Berkeley Outreach. Telegraph and Haste St. Ministry News and NeedsThank you so much for your prayers and financial support for this ministry. We gave out about 60,000 tracts during the SOS outreach and our tract supply is very low. I found a web site that allowed me to get bids on tract printing from 100 printers around the country. The best price was $950 to print and ship 60,000 tracts from Pennsylvania. We have been paying $1300 for 60,000 tracts. We would like to print about 300,000 tracts, which will cost $4750. We still need someone to lead worship on the streets on Friday nights. Also, we need a volunteer to help with office work about 6 hours a month. Our Tape of the Month is How to Reach your City for Christ. This is a teaching I gave at an evangelism conference at Florida. Yours in His love,
Larry Rosenbaum |
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