SOS Monthly Newsletter - December 2004

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Dear Christian friends,

As this world heads toward increased danger and uncertainty, we must trust in the One who was born in Bethlehem 2000 years ago. Jesus will soon return to this world as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Until that day, our world will be filled with violence and evil. At Christmas, we think of our Lord's birth and the peaceful manger scene. However, two years later, King Herod ordered every infant boy in Bethlehem murdered. That, too, is part of the Christmas story.

There have always been evil people, but our improved technology now allows them to kill more people. The three greatest mass-murderers of all time lived in the 20th Century. Stalin killed about 42 million people. Mao killed about 35 million. Hitler killed about 16 million, in addition to those who died in World War II. At the time, Communism and Fascism were the greatest dangers in our world.

Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, the greatest threat to world peace has come from militant Muslims. Like the Communists and Fascists, they seek to gain world domination through violence. They are responsible for most of the wars and terrorism on the earth today. The radical Islamic government in the Sudan has murdered two million people, although this is rarely reported in our newspapers. Radical Muslims are responsible for over a million deaths in other nations.

Even the so-called "moderate" Muslim nations offer little or no religious freedom for Christians. Churches and Christian gatherings are illegal in Saudi Arabia. Since 1992, at least 360 Christians have been arrested there for taking part in private worship. In Pakistan, it is illegal to "blaspheme Mohammed." Christians have been killed by mobs after being acquitted in courts on this charge.

In almost every Muslim nation, Christians risk death for witnessing to Muslims. Muslims who convert to Christianity also risk death. In most Muslim nations, the police look the other way when Islamic extremists kill Christians. The persecution of Christians in Islamic nations has increased since the September 11 attacks. One reason for this is that some of these nations are now our "coalition partners," so the U.S. won't criticize them for persecuting Christians.

Islam has been an extremely violent religion since its origin. Once Mohammed realized that Jews were not going to convert to Islam, he ordered his followers to kill them. After one Jewish town had surrendered to him, 700 to 1000 men were beheaded in one day. All the women and children were sold into slavery and their possessions were looted!

Today, according to one estimate, 15% of of the world’s approximately 1.3 billion Muslims are Islamic "extremists" who support the use of violence to spread Islam worldwide. While this is not the majority, it is a lot of people, capable of causing much destruction.

How should we respond?

These are difficult times, and we should respond soberly and wisely. We need to pray for our nation and its leaders (1 Tim. 2). Pray that our leaders will have the courage to root out terrorists in every nation, even if it means offending Muslims. Pray that they will speak out against persecution of Christians in Muslim nations. Pray that they will be granted wisdom to improve our nation's security without sacrificing our freedom.

We need to walk in holiness before our God. "Be careful or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life" Luke 21.

Finally, we need to dedicate ourselves to reaching this world with the gospel. "Because of the increase in wickedness, the love of most will grow cold...and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come" (Matt. 24:12-14). By proclaiming the gospel throughout the world, we will see many people come to know Jesus Christ before He returns. Evangelizing the Muslim nations is a difficult and dangerous task. But God is able to open doors that no man can shut.

Laborers in the Harvest

On October 9, Independent Community Church from Richmond ministered with us at Fisherman’s Wharf. It was Fleet Week, and thousands of people came to see the ships and watch the air show by Canada’s Snowbirds.

On October 16, we witnessed in Berkeley. As we were about to leave, we met Steve, a 24-year-old backslidden Christian. He had come to Berkeley to buy heroin, but as we spoke with him, he said he wanted to get his life right with God. We invited him to come to our house, but as he was about to get into our van, some “friends” offered him free heroin. He chose to come with us. I spoke with his Christian uncle today (November 8). He is living with a Christian friend in Seattle, working, and doing well spiritually. Steve is showing signs of true repentance. Please pray for him.

On October 23 and 24, thirty youth and adults from the Oakhurst Evangelical Free Church ministered with us. They put together several excellent dramas, and also had a worship group that played on the streets. Another thirty Christians from Poiema Christian Fellowship in Huntington Beach, CA also joined us that weekend. Poiema Pastor Oden Fong was in the band “Mustard Seed Faith” in the 1970’s and oversaw 450 Calvary Chapel churches from 1985-1995. He has a real heart for evangelism, and brought half of his small church to San Francisco to witness on the streets. About 10 of them were excellent musicians. On Friday night, we went to three locations—4th St. and Mission (the Sony Metreon entertainment complex), 4th St. and Market, and Powell and Market.

On Saturday, we decided to minister at Fisherman’s Wharf even though rain was forecast. We brought three canopies and set them up at Powell and Jefferson. Normally, other street musicians use this location, but because of the rain, we had the place to ourselves. This is the only location at the Wharf where we can draw a large crowd without forcing people to stand in the streets. Although it rained intermittently, we were able to witness to thousands of people for six hours. If 70 or 80 Christians would join us every weekend, we could certainly reach a lot more people for Jesus.

SOS Evangelism Outreach
Oakhurst youth drama team ministers atFisherman’s Wharf on October 23.

SOS Evangelism Outreach
Independent Community Churchministers during fleet week at Wharf

SOS Evangelism Outreach
Steve sings at Berkeley after rededicating his life to Christ

SOS Evangelism Outreach
Oakhurst youth drama team at Wharf
SOS Evangelism Outreach
Mike prays beside his wheel-chair with Michael at Wharf

SOS Evangelism Outreach
Snowbirds fly over Fisherman’s Wharf during our October 9 outreach

Coming Events

Note: Outreaches are subject to change. Call (510) 531-5325 or 541-9903 (cell phone) to confirm outreaches or for more information.

Friday December 3, 10, 17, January 7, 14, 21 7:30-10 PM Witnessing in San Francisco neighborhoods. (Call for location).

Sat. December 4, 18, January 8, 22 12-5 PM San Francisco Outreach. (Call for location).

Sat. December 11, January 15 12:30-4:30 PM Telegraph and Haste St. Berkeley Outreach.

Ministry News and Needs

Again, we want to thank you for your prayers and financial support for this ministry. We are now printing 150,000 tracts, which will cost $2400. Also, we still have several rooms available in our ministry house for mature Christians who want to be involved in evangelism.

Our Tape of the Month is “Witnessing at Major Events.” This is a teaching I gave several years ago before an outreach at the Indianapolis 500 race.

I hope you will join one of our Christmas outreaches this month. Christmas is a time when people are more open to the gospel. I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

Yours in His love,


Larry Rosenbaum

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