SOS Monthly Newsletter - August 2002SOS-San Francisco Outreach ReportDear Christian Friends, This year's SOS-San Francisco Outreach was certainly one of the best in many years. Youth groups came from Lake Elsinore, Paradise, Leggett, and Davis, CA. Individuals came from as far as Florida. This year, we decided to shorten our evening meetings to one hour, giving us more time on the streets. Yet, the 15-minute messages by Doug Paradise (a missionary to Cambodia and Vietnam), Ed La Rose (who has carried a cross through 50 nations), Chuck Girard, and others were more powerful than many hour-long sermons. On Saturday, I witnessed to a Jewish teen named Jared, who is living in a shelter. He was quite open to the gospel, and I spoke about Old Testament prophecies fulfilled by Jesus. That night, I received a phone call from Bob, who received a tract that day and wanted to know more about Jesus. On Monday, we held our first outdoor rally ever at 24th St. and Mission. This turned out to be a great location, with hundreds of people standing around listening to the gospel presentation. We brought 800 Spanish tracts, and gave them all out. The Master's Commission team from First Assembly of God in Lake Elsinore ministered that afternoon (as they did all week). They had an excellent worship band, and also did Christian rap and drama. Celebrations Worship Ministries (a children's dance group) and Chuck Girard also ministered. Karol preached in Spanish and we prayed with many people that afternoon. Janet spoke to a backslidden pastor who prayed with her and confessed his sins. On Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, we witnessed on Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley. On Tuesday, Jeff witnessed to Daniel and Kenneth, teenagers from Sonora (see photo on last page). Both were questioning the meaning of life and wanted to know more about Jesus. On Thursday, the youth worship team from my home church, New Life Christian Church, ministered in Berkeley. Pastor Dennis McNally and SOS Ministries co-founder Ron Woodruff preached. Ron was amazed at how little opposition we had in Berkeley. Pastor Phil Roop from Lake Elsinore went to Sproul Plaza where there was a rabbi sitting at a table with a sign reading, "Ask the Rabbi." He asked the rabbi about Daniel's prophesies. The rabbi asked Phil if he had read the Old Testament. He said "several times" and asked the rabbi if he had read the New Testament. The rabbi said "no". Pastor Phil challenged him to read it. On his bus trip from Florida, Peter had witnessed to a young man named Kashua, whose father is a Hindu scholar. He invited him to the Berkeley outreach. While I was preaching, Prashanth was witnessing to him. My preaching was addressing the questions Kashua was asking, and he asked Prashanth if he had talked to me about their conversation. He hadn't. Also, in Berkeley, Derek witnessed to a man named Justin, who was into New Age philosophy. They spoke for about 3 hours, and eventually asked Justin to pray. As they waited on God, Justin started confessing his sins, then he started getting rid of the New Age items he had. They took him to the Prodigal Project house that night. Also, Tina witnessed to Stephanie, who told her "I want this...I am ready to receive Christ." And Neil spoke with a teenager named Wallace, who told him "I'm looking for a savior". After making sure he understood the gospel, he led him to Christ. Each night, we sent out two or three teams to witness in different neighborhoods. One night, Karol met Mike, a Filipino man she had led to Christ three years ago at SOS. He is still walking with the Lord. Castro Street was filled with people who had come to San Francisco for the gay parade on Sunday. We sent teams there three nights. One night, Ed La Rose brought his cross to Castro Street. He led Michael to Christ. We even had opportunities to witness on the bus, going to and from the outreaches. One night, Tammy witnessed to Mita, a Muslim from Iran, on a bus. Her sister-in-law is a Christian, and Mita was quite open to the gospel. Another woman was listening to their conversation and asked for a tract. On the final Saturday, Children of the Rock ministered at Washington Square. Afterwards, we took all our signs and marched through Chinatown to Powell and Market St. We gave out about 500 Chinese tracts. The worship band from King's Way Church in San Mateo ministered at our final rally at Powell and Market. A huge crowd gathered to listen, including many homosexuals who were here for the parade. Please pray for those we witnessed to during SOS week, including Mary, Alex, Bill (a homeless man who studied to be a Pentecostal minister), Nicole, Krishna (from Nepal), Jack, Kenny, Bea, Jorge, Stacey, Rebecca, Thomas (see photo on left), Rodrow, Gypsy, Jamal, Gary (about 10, his mother won't let him go to church), Sean, Dustin, Adrian (SF), Robert (Mountain View), and Jimmy (Oakland).
Coming EventsNote: All outreaches are subject to change. Call (510) 541-3147 (cell phone) or (510) 244-0277 (pager) to confirm outreaches or for more information. Friday August 9, 16, 23 7:30-10 PM Witnessing in San Francisco neighborhoods (Call for location). Sat. August 10 San Francisco "Church on the Street" worship rallies. 1-3 PM. Washington Square (Stockton and Columbus St.) 4-6 PM. Powell and Market St. Sat. August 17 San Francisco "Church on the Street" worship rallies. 12-1 PM. Powell and Market St. 1:30-5 PM. United Nations Plaza (7th St. and Market) Sat. August 24 Berkeley Outreach. 12:30 Ministry NeedsOn Wednesday during SOS week, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, located at 7th St. and Mission in San Francisco, issued a ruling that shook our nation. They ruled that the phrase "one nation under God" in the pledge of allegiance could not be recited in our public schools. (This year's SOS T-shirts featured a red, white, and blue torch with the words "One Nation Under God."). Thank you for your prayers and financial support for this ministry. God has been speaking to us about the need for more prayer support for this ministry. We minister in two of the spiritually darkest places in the world -- San Francisco and Berkeley. These cities have been on the forefront of a "Satanic revival" that has impacted our world -- the drug movement, topless bars, homosexual activism, Eastern and New Age religions, etc. Please pray for those who heard the gospel during this year's SOS-San Francisco outreach that God would continue to work in their lives and send other Christians to witness to them until they are saved. Also, pray for our workers. Satan often attacks the Christians who witness with us -- before, during and after the SOS outreach. Please pray that God will send more laborers to help us reach the people of San Francisco and Berkeley for Jesus. We need more Christians to witness with us on Friday nights and Saturday afternoons. Also, we still need a spiritually mature Christian with a burden to reach the lost for our ministry house in Oakland. Call or write us if you are interested. We have printed 10,000 full-color cards to announce next year's SOS outreach-June 20-28, 2003. Please help us get them to Christians, especially to youth leaders. Our Tape of the Month is Hear Their Cry. This is a tape of original songs and worship music from Fellowship of the Risen King. This church ministered at many of our outreaches during the 1980's.
Yours in His love, |
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