ISEMA Newsletters
Atlanta “Save our Youth” Crusade
By Mel Rolls, from the Rescue Atlanta Newsletter (P O Box 965039, Marietta, GA 30066, (404) 924-0201)
This outreach was a giant step of faith as we were going into 6 inner city neighborhoods doing rallies in each one of them, then on Friday and Saturday nights we were renting out the Atlanta Civic Center for 2 big victory rallies….The Lord gave us incredible favor with the city once again. The Mayor of Atlanta, Maynard Jackson, and the governor of the State of Georgia, Zell Miller, both issued proclamations acknowledging August 10-17 as “Atlanta Save our Youth Week.” Our city and state endorsed what we were doing, and stated that they would like to see this become an annual event!
Each day we ministered in the inner city neighborhoods with Eric Redmond and the Challenge Team (similar to the Power Team), System 3 (Christian rappers from the Bahamas) and Joseph Jennings (a former gang member). The Word of God was brought forth with power, and the result was that over 400 young people gave their lives to Jesus!…In all, there were nearly 2000 in attendance at the Civic Center rallies, and another 350 young people gave their lives to Jesus!
South Africa Report
By Sondra Berry Young (P O Box 3044, Newport Beach, CA 92659, (714) 650-0525)
Last weekend, all over South Africa in 150 different locations, over 100,000 Christians marched in unity throughout the streets to proclaim their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ! It was a massive demonstration of the love of God….
On Saturday I went down into Johannesburg with the street team and again we saw many people hungry for Jesus. Over 50 people gave their lives to Christ. One man I was witnessing to had a bad stab wound about 8 inches long in his chest….He bowed his head praying the sinner’s prayer. His face lit up as he heard the gospel message for the first time. What an absolute delight to see people come to Christ here.
Besides soulwinning, street witnessing and speaking at various places I am becoming involved with Project Alex. Alexandra is a black township where even the police fear to tread….Project Alex will help the people within the township by building a crisis center, church hall and fellowship room, pastor’s residence, emergency housing shelter, and soup kitchen to feed the poor and needy….I will be going to Soweto Township to minister November 9 and 10. They have over 3000 cults based there and the town has seen little peace in the last 6 months. Please pray that they will come to know our lovely Jesus the Prince of Peace!
Russia Opens its Doors Wide to the Gospel
by Vinson Synan, from AD2000 Timelines, Box 23445, Oklahoma City, OK 73123
A spectacular event came in October 1990 when Bill Bright of Campus Crusade premiered the highly successful “Jesus” film to a crowded session of Russian movie critics. Showings in 1000 theaters and hundreds of public schools resulted in thousands of decisions for Christ among high school students. By the end of 1991 over six million people in the USSR had seen the film which was shown in 20 languages. Also in July 1991 Billy Graham sponsored a massive school of evangelism which saw 5000 Baptists meeting in Moscow learning from Graham how to spread their faith….
On the television scene, Paul Crouch announced plans for a new Christian TV station in Leningrad (now again St. Petersburg)….Pat Robertson announced the showing of several Christian TV “specials” that would be aired nationwide….
Bob Weiner went to Moscow in July to organize university students for future evangelization across the nation. Weiner’s strategy is to give intensive training to 100 students who would in turn train 300 more for select evangelizing teams. In short order, Weiner had recruited enough youths to conduct a conference of 2000 students in Moscow who were asked to distribute 50,000 Bibles and 20,000 study books to new converts. He now plans to hold monthly conferences to keep the momentum going.
Coming Events
Saturday January 18 San Francisco Worship Rally and Evangelism Outreach. 3-6 PM. Powell St. BART Station. Contact SOS Ministries, Box 27358, Oakland, CA 94602, (510) 531-5325.
February 27-March 3. Mardi Gras Outreach. New Orleans. Contact Christ in Action Box 100, Chatsworth, GA 30705, (404) 695-1868 or Rescue Atlanta (Mel Rolls, Director), Box 965039, Marietta, GA 30066, (404) 924-0201.
February 29 Mardi Gras Outreach. Galveston, TX. Contact Pastor John Elliott, Gulf Coast Christian Center, Box 143, Hitchcock, TX 77563, (409) 986-7889 or (713) 337-4364.
March 14-15 Spring Break Outreach, Port Arkansas, TX. Contact Rev. David O’Dell, 3400 W. Park Blvd. #2117, Plano, TX 75075, (214) 519-0195.
Saturday March 15 Chinese New Year Parade Outreach, San Francisco. Up to 400,000 people attend this event. Meet at 3 PM at Powell St. BART Station. Contact SOS Ministries (address above).
June 26-July 4 SOS-San Francisco. This outreach will be held in conjunction with the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International Convention. Contact SOS Ministries (address above).
Networking by Electronic Mail
By Rev. Mario Desimone, Pastor, Shiloh Fellowship (8217 Hartford St., Houston TX 77017)
Upon reading your November/ December newsletter, the thought occurred to me, and obviously to a few others, that we need to interact and communicate better. While different people entered their ideas, I feel that I have an inexpensive and efficient way of networking various street ministries and ministers.
There is a computer online service called Genie. Among other interesting services such as news and weather, Genie supplies electronic mail. This service can be had for $4.95 a month as a basic plan, if one limits their calls to between 6 PM and 8 AM local times, and all day Saturday and Sunday. Also, one can download their mail from anywhere in the world….By using electronic mail, street ministers can effortlessly communicate with each other, and share strategies (not to mention much needed fellowship).
Where ISEMA interacts in this, is you can initially coordinate the list of active participants, including their E-mail address and ministerial specialties in the same manner as the ISEMA Directory. Also, ISEMA can monthly sponsor topics to be discussed. Other uses may include: 1) The different ministries can electronically send their newsletters for free, saving mailing costs. 2) Ministers can share notes or information about the various messages they preach. This can include `how to’s’ on drama or illustrated sermons. While most ministries already have a computer, if some do not, the initial costs are not very expensive. Used PCs can be bought for around $200, new 1200 baud modems are under $50, and software can be downloaded from local bulletin boards for free.
(Editor’s note: It sounds like a good idea. I think the hardest part would be to learn to use computers, modems and electronic mail. Such things can be intimidating to people but usually aren’t that hard to learn. If you would be interested in trying this, let me know.)
Book Reviews:
We Cannot But Tell
by Ross Tooley
When John Goodfellow was at SOS-San Francisco last summer, I asked him what he considered the best book on evangelism he had seen. He gave me this book, We Cannot But Tell, by Ross Tooley. Ross has worked with Youth With a Mission since 1967, mostly in the Philippines. He begins the book with a list of six major differences between Westerners and non-Westerners. Then he begins a thorough presentation of what is involved in presenting the gospel to anyone. He has separate chapters on proving God’s existence, the character of God, sin, the atonement, repentance, counting the cost and follow-up. I have read a lot of books on evangelism, and I cannot remember another book that explains these topics in such a clear and thorough manner. If you use this teaching in your personal witnessing, it will lead to a complete gospel presentation and genuine conversions. The book is available from Frontline Communications, Box 55787, Seattle, WA 98155, (206) 771-1153.
My Friends are Dying
by Ray Comfort
The word “prolific” was made for Ray Comfort. Having written one book, I am amazed at the number of books he writes. He told me that he disciplines himself to get up early and write a few hours each day. My Friends are Dying is book 23. It is about his experiences witnessing in MacArthur Park in Los Angeles. When he came to the U.S., God directed him to witness in this park, a hangout for thieves, drug addicts, drug dealers, murderers, and the homeless. He shares his experiences preaching, giving out food, treating people for medical conditions and trying to help people in horrible circumstances. Ray’s teaching on the use of the law in evangelism can be misused to justify preaching in a harsh, uncaring manner. However, Ray is a very compassionate person who shows great love for the people he is seeking to reach. Ray also has a great sense of humor, making this a very funny book. The book is written to be read by unbelievers as well as Christians, and has an extensive gospel presentation in it. I think Christians will find the book helpful in understanding the problems of the drug addict and the homeless and how to reach them with the gospel.
It’s Time To Renew Your ISEMA Membership!
“Two are better than one… and a threefold cord is not easily broken.” We urge you to become a member of ISEMA if you have not already done so, linking up with other evangelism ministries and Christians who believe in the Great Commission. If you are already an ISEMA member, now is the time to renew your membership for 1992. As an association of street and evangelism ministries, ISEMA depends on your active involvement.
Once again I want to thank you for your prayers and financial support for ISEMA. Please continue to send us information about what is happening in your community, teachings on evangelism, information about upcoming outreaches, etc. so we can share these with our readers.
Our Tape of the Month is “Evangelical Aphorisms” by Ray Comfort. This teaching gives 28 helpful points for personal witnessing and street preaching.
Yours in His love,
Larry Rosenbaum