Newsletter May 2001


While I was writing this newsletter, I got a call from a street preacher named Don. He told me that 3 weeks ago, two Hispanic Christian women approached him. They said there was a dead man at the 24th and Mission BART station in San Francisco. They asked Don to pray for him. Don said he knows how to check for a pulse, and found that this man was indeed dead. After Don prayed ineffectually for ten minutes, God told him to pray in tongues. He began doing this and shouting to the Lord. The man suddenly rose up and said “Thank you God!” This is indeed a great miracle. But it is not the greatest. The greatest miracle is the salvation of a lost soul!

SOS-San Francisco

June 22-30

One thing that continually baffles me is how Christians can go to church each week, worship God, aand speak of their love for Him. Yet they make no effort to bring the gospel to the people around them who are heading for Hell. Jesus gave us two commandments—to love God and love our neighbor. How can we love our unsaved neighbor and not tell him about Jesus?

We all have our excuses. We are too busy. We are afraid to witness. We don’t know how to witness. Or we assume people will reject the gospel so there’s no point in telling them.

For those who have disobeyed God by their failure to witness, SOS-San Francisco is an opportunity to repent—get right with God in this area of your life. You can set aside a week–or even a day or two–to share the gospel. You will receive practical training in evangelism. You will join together with Christians who can help you overcome your fear of witnessing and get started in a lifestyle of evangelism. It’s time to stop making excuses for disobeying our Lord’s Great Commission.

Outreach Details

The SOS outreach begins Friday June 22 at 6 PM. Meetings will be held daily (except Sunday) at 9 AM and 6 PM at Temple Baptist Church, 3355 19th Ave. (near Ocean)  in San Francisco. Parking is available at Stonestown Shopping Center, next to the church. Singer Chuck Girard will be ministering at this year’s outreach.

We have printed 10,000 bulletin inserts and hundreds of full-color posters to let people know about this outreach. Please help us get this literature to churches, Christian bookstores, and Christian schools in your area. You can give it out at Christian concerts and other events. Also, talk with your pastor and Christian friends and encourage them to get involved. Set aside the week of June 22-30 to attend the SOS outreach and bring a friend.


Relating to People

When Jesus came to earth, He became one of us. The common people were attracted to Him and had no problem relating to Him. Recently, I watched a man preach the gospel on TV. He used a lot of Christian expressions that most unbelievers would not understand. He used  a tone of voice and mannerisms that are common in some churches, but would be considered weird by most non-Christians. We have a wonderful opportunity to reach thousands of unsaved people through means such as radio and TV. Unfortunately, many of those who preach the gospel on radio and TV are ineffective. They have forgotten how to relate to unbelievers.

Christians who witness on the streets are usually more “down to earth.” However, we often forget that non-Christians may not understand what we are talking about. For example, when I preach that “you must be born again,” people may think I am talking about reincarnation. We need to communicate the gospel in a way that people can understand.

Above all, we need to avoid a Pharisaical attitude in our witness. People are repelled by the self-righteousness they too often see in Christians. They are attracted to people who are not pretending to be super-spiritual, but are honest with them. If the sinless Son of God could relate to sinful humanity, it shouldn’t be hard for us.

On the Streets

In last month’s newsletter, I wrote about the “human dog races” (actually, the 7th annual Urban Iditarod, based on the Alaskan dog race)  that brought hundreds of people to Washington Square to hear the gospel. The event attracted full-page coverage in two San Francisco newspapers, the Bay Guardian and the Weekly. The Bay Guardian wrote, “A band of Christian evangelists, with a guitar, a fiddle, and a loud P.A. system, is targeted by the Holy Terriers (‘Look! The nun-dogs are talking to the God people.’) and asked to announce that a six-legged race will begin shortly. The Terriers bound back to the group, proudly displaying their new ‘God brochures.’ ” These papers are quite hostile to anything Christian, so the coverage we got was pretty good.

On March 10, we witnessed in Berkeley. Independent Community Church from Richmond sang for the first two hours. Paul and Noreen Coca and Tim Moon sang for the next two hours. But the highlight of the afternoon was Christie Livingston (age 6) singing “Jesus loves me.” We had no hecklers, the police were nice to us, and we witnessed to hundreds of people that afternoon.

On March 30, we witnessed on Castro St. Eric gave a tract to a young man named Jason. Jason returned and spoke with Scott. He said that he had “given his all to Christ” three days earlier through the witness of a “Youth With a Mission” team on Polk St. However, he had come to Castro St. for sinful purposes. We ministered to him and prayed with him. The next day, we again met Jason during our outreach at U.N. Plaza. He read his Bible during the outreach and listened to the music and preaching. Please pray for Jason.

On April 6 and 7, a team of youth from Canada (“Souled Out”) joined us on the streets. They did synchronized dancing and mime, and preached and gave their testimonies on the streets. People gathered to watch the dance and some stayed to listen to the preaching and testimonies. On Friday we witnessed at Fisherman’s Wharf. The last time we were there, the police shut us down. This time, they left us alone. On Saturday, we witnessed at 5th and Market St. Despite the cold weather, many people stopped to listen and we prayed with several people that afternoon. It was a real blessing to work with young people who are “on fire” for the Lord and love to witness.

Coming Events

Note: All outreaches are subject to change. Call (510) 531‑5325 or (510) 616-0712 (my pager number) to confirm outreaches or for more information.

Friday May 4, 11, 18 7:30-10 PM Witnessing in various S.F. neighborhoods. (Call for meeting location.)

Sat. May 5 San Francisco “Church on the Street” worship rally. 1-5 PM. Washington Square (Columbus and Union St.)

Sat. May 12 Berkeley Outreach. 12:30‑4:30 PM. Telegraph & Haste St.

Sat. May 19 San Francisco worship rally. 12-5 PM. United Nations Plaza (7th St. and Market).

Ministry Needs

Thank you for your prayers and financial support for this ministry. Our expenses are always greatest in the spring as we prepare for SOS‑San Francisco. We are still trying to get 200,000 more tracts printed for SOS. Also, consider supporting a worker for SOS. Many Christians would like to participate in the SOS outreach but cannot afford to.

Our Tape of the Month is Witnessing to Homosexuals by Frank and Anita Worthen. Frank and Anita have been ministering to Christians struggling with homosexuality for many years. Also, many of you have never read my book You Shall Be My Witnesses: How to Reach Your City for Christ. This 140 page book tells the story of SOS Ministries and contains teachings to help you reach your community for Jesus.

Please continue to pray for us as we prepare for SOS‑San Francisco. We need God’s wisdom in putting everything together. Please pray that we will get permits for our daily outdoor outreaches. Pray that many individuals and groups will join us.

God bless you all. Don’t forget to order SOS posters and bulletin inserts, and to send in your SOS registration form. I hope you will join one of our outreaches this next month.

Yours in His love,

Larry Rosenbaum